To what extent does fear play a role in your lives? Please post by Oct. 15th @ 11:59.
Welcome to Mr. Alaimo's class! The nature of education is changing and I am just trying to keep up. This Blog is dedicated to my classes at Newington High School. It is my hope that this new environment for interaction and education will help my students to be better prepared for the changing world around them.
Fear is so significant in our world. There is all kinds of fear. There are lists and lists of names that describe a particular fear of something. I used to have severe Agoraphobia. It kept me from living my life and discovering the fun of middle school and my first year of high school. Fear is also a good thing too. Like with the fight or flight response. Fear can tell you if you are in a dangerous position and tell you to get out of it asap! Does anyone think that a person can have no fear whatsoever?
I, like my parents, have social anxiety disorder. This causes me to be afraid to talk to people, especially ones I don't know, and as a result I've been shy my whole life. Over the past few years (starting in 7th grade with encouragment from a great science teacher), I have been getting better at having conversations with people, but I still fear ordering food at restaurants or purchasing things at stores. I feel like I've made fewer friends because of my SAD, either from simply not talking to others or by coming off as rude. However, I'm gradually pushing myself out of my comfort zone to try and conquer these fears. It seems to be working, and better social skills should help me throughout life.
Fear plays an important role in all of our lives. Every single risky thing we do, has some sort of fear attached to it. The first time riding a bike, we all had fear within us at that particular moment. Fear is something that can never stop. I don't believe that one person can have no fear within them. Fear is part of human nature and without it, in my eyes, you may not be truly human.
An example that directly relates to me is, that I was afraid of failing, doing poorly in school, and in eighth grade that fear became reality. I had to overcome that fear in order to succeed, and them I learnned that with whatever you do, there is always is that chance that I could fail, but its fear we all have to live with.
I believe that we may all try to conquer things such as fear and death, but we as humans must learn to live with all these things but in the end, none can be conquered, and we just are forced to live with it.
Do you think that people, because of fear, are forced to make poor decisions? Such as joining the wrong group of friends that leads them to make destructive decisions because they seem to be accepted there or it causes them to turn to drug and perscription abuse or alcohol? Do you think that these types of things help the people escape their fears or does it just make them forget it for a little while? I used to escape my fear by falling asleep because everything seemed better to me when I woke up. How do you escape fear?
I think that fear really limits people in our world.I know that my fear of being rejected or critized keeps me from doing things around people I am not completely comfortable around, so I can't neccessarily always be myself. This fear confines me in certain situations and can make me shy around people I am not comfortable with. I know that my irrational fears such as a rollercoaster crashing, the car being struck by lightning, or the boat sinking, have made me hesitant to do many things aswell. I think that it is really important in life to learn to overcome your fears and step outside of your comfort zone. I know that I am working to do this so that I can enjoy more things.
Everyone in the world has some sort of fear. I myself always fear that I might be doing the wrong thing. I don't take many risks in my life due to the amount of anxiety fear puts on me. I have always tried to do the right thing because fear has always instilled in me that, if I don't, later on I'll wonder if I made the right decision and I'll start to regret my decision. Because of the fear I have, I always watch what I say and bite back my tongue even though I want to say something to defend myself, or even just voice my opinion. I try more and more to voice what I need to say so that people know what I'm feeling and I'm not just bottling it up inside. Every day I try to get past my fear, but I'm still having a hard time.
I think fear plays a big role in our lives. It either runs our lives or it affects us not to live life to the fullest. Fear is one of the biggest influences in the world because it's on the forefront of people's minds. 'What will so and so think?' 'What if I'm wrong?' things like this are always part of when we make decisions and when we are walking the path of life. Due to this fear of making the wrong choice, or finding that you simply don't want to try it because you have too many fears influences us greatly and causes most of the better things in life to pass by us.
For myself, I try not to let fear run my life. I instead try to push my boundaries farther and farther and try different things, whether or not I may be fearful of the outcome or not. This of course, doesn't always apply to when I'm around other people. I'm a rather introverted person so I have a great problem with actually controlling my fear of meeting new people and opening up. This came from having Alopetia Areata and having to redefine what it was that was important and find out who truly were my friends. this has led me to have a severe trust problem which has been caused by the fear of getting hurt once again.
Despite that I find some fear is good. It stops me from doing things that could potentially harm me or the people around me. It' the same fight or flight response that kept people alive for ages and it helps me think thing through when I'm about to do something I may or may not regret.
Fear can be a ood thing, and I believe it is a very large factor in our lives, but there is so much gray space in between whether it is a good thing or a bad thing. It's something that would depend on a person and depend on the situation and time. As I said before, there's far too much gray space for me to give a definitive answer, but I will say it does indeed play a big enough part in my life to be noticeable.
-Alex H.
I don't think fear plays as big of a role in our lives as we may presume. To me it seems as though we are more scared of the outcome than the poor action itself. Is it really that we are scared of what our parents will say if we stay up until midnight talking on the phone or moreso knowing it's wrong and worrying if we will be caught? I don't think we necessarily fear as many things as anticipate the consequences. In essence, if there weren't any punishments, what would we have to fear at all? I do think fear plays a bigger role in our lives now as teenagers than ever. Yes when we're older we'll have to fear a car accident or not getting our bills in on time, or really the consequences of those things, but I think this time in our lives is about seperating fear from boundaries and the guilt of doing them. I don't think it's possible to be completely fearless and those who say they are, actually have too much fear to admit an insecurity at all.
I think fear plays a huge role in our daily lives. Fear holds us back from accomplishing dreams and being who we truly are. I personally deal with fear everyday. I’ve been terrified of the dark for as long as I can remember. It’s not so much the dark I’m afraid of, but more of the unknown that could be in the dark. My fear limits me from doing simple things like walking down my hallway when it’s dark or staying home alone at night.
Like Nick said fear something that will never stop. You may conquer huge fears, like being afraid of heights or public speaking, but I think every human has to deal with irrational fears such as going on roller coasters. To me irrational fears are a lot easier to overcome than these fears we’re constantly faced with everyday. I think fear plays a role in defining the people we are or the people we’re going to become. My fear of the dark has made me a very nervous and anxious person, especially at night. I feel that if I wasn’t afraid of the dark, I wouldn’t be the worried person I am now.
I agree with Devin when she talks about people who claim to be completely fearless. Without fear how can we test our limits? Fear forces us to find our comfort zone and make boundaries. In my eyes those who say they are fearless probably are afraid to admit their weaknesses, which is a fear all in itself.
Fear is an omnipresent factor in our world. It shapes who we are and determines the course of our life. In my personel experience, fear has determined what I do. It has made me a safer person but also inhibits what I do. Fear shapes what we do and controls our lives. WIthout fear, chaos would follow. Even though an inhibitor, without fear, we could not survive. Our society would destroy itsel without the knowledge of what is safe and what is not.
I think fear is a major aspect in life. Fear dictates the actions that a person takes, for better or for worse. I know that in my life fear has caused me not to do certain things that I regret later on, which is probably true with many others as well. But without fear, our minds won't have the filter that distinguishes between right and wrong behaviors. But as Amy said, there comes a point in our lives in which we need to overcome some of our fears. Without taking risks, our life would be dull and boring. Taking risks gives everyone some excitement and variety in life, no matter what it could pertain to.
Fear can be viewed in many different ways. Most people view fear as containing and retraining, and it can be. Fear can prevent people from living out their lives the way that they would prefer. It can cause us to stray away from our dreams whether it be not trying out for a sports team because you worry that you won't be good enough, or not taking an advanced course because you fear it will be too difficult. In this way, fear does control our lives in a negative aspect, however, fear only controls who we are if we allow it to. Taking risks is a way of opposing fear. Although people feel that fear constricts them and obstructs them from being who they truely are, it is all based on their own judgement and will power to take those steps in life. So, even though fear can prevent us from living an ideal life, the amount of power that fear has over us is completely based on the individual. Fear will always be there, but we will always have the choice to ignore it.
Fear... it has no physical structure, nothing we can see, hear, smell, taste, or touch, yet we obey it like a dog does his owner. For some reason we feel fear of our futures and we cower before it. It is not only consequence in the mortal world that we fear, but even more so in death. This is one of many explanations as to why people have turned to religion for explanations, since religion offers an explanation for what happens after what we fear most.
Fear is what keeps us moving. It's what keeps us staying alive. It is ingrained into our survival instincts. The only time we relinquish fear is when we know that we shall die and yet we can accept the fact. I don't think that we can ever live without fear since it is a part of our being. Every time we risk something, we fear for it's loss. That's why we allow ourselves to be governed by fear. If a man were to walk up to me, put out a gun, and say that he would kill me unless I did what he said, I would do it for fear of being dead. If somebody told me that I had to do something or else I'd be considered an outcast, chances are that I would do it too for fear of having nobody around. I'm not talking about anything very dangerous like doing drugs because that sparks my fear of self destruction and death, but small things, like wearing a new fashion or watching a TV show, are almost always done.
Fear can do so much for us: It can save our lives or stop us from making the wrong decision. Fear can also do many bad things: It can control our actions and cause us to do uncharacteristic things. All in all though, fear is what keeps our lives going in the directions that they are moving, whether good or bad.
I feel that fear plays a huge part in our lives. In fact, it probably plays a bigger part than we realize. It could be the fear of failure that keeps us from participating in an activity, or, on the other hand, that same fear of failure can push us to try our hardest to avoid failure. I myself had a fear of making mistakes up until about the summer after seventh grade, but then I realized the small things in life don't matter as much as I was making them out to. I don't think that a person can exist without some type of fear, it just plays such a big part in our lives and actions, and without it, we wouldn't be able to function.
Fear is always in our lives. We can have large fears or small fears. We can be afraid of the plane or train crashing, or we can be afraid of the spider that is crawling on our walls. Fear can play a positive or negative role in our lives.
Fear can be dangerous because it can be used as a way to control other people. It can be used to affect the way that people behave or it can be used to enforce a law or belief. It can also cause people to do things they might not do normally, or make a wrong decision. World powers, past and present, have used fear to their advantage enabling them to have their way. However people should realize that they do not have to live their lives based on fear, but this does not always happen.
Fear can also have a positive role in our lives. It can get us through daunting tasks, as it can serve as a form of motivation. It can also sharpen our senses and make us more attentive to the world around us.
No matter what the situation fear will always be a part of human nature. It affects our words, our actions, and our thoughts and determines the outcome of our lives.
Fear plays a giant role in everybody's life. Fear helps to contribute to a bunch of actions that people make each day. For example, students work extra hard in school, because of fear that their parents will get mad at them. When we have bad grades on our report cards, our parents punish us. Therefore, fear motivates students to do well in school, because they are scared of punishments they might suffer.
Another example of fear could relate to men and women in the work force. Fear plays a huge role in their lives because they fear losing their jobs. If they lose their jobs, they could possibly loose their house, and not be able to support a family. Therefore, fear drives them to do well in their jobs, to ensure that they keep them, and that they are able to support who they need to support.
The last role that I think fear plays in our lives is in connection with adrenaline. Fear could stimulate your body and kick in adrenaline levels when you sense something bad going on. The fear of not knowing what to do in a situation could take over your body and find a way out of the mess you're involved in.
Overall, I think that fear is a very positive role in people's lives. Personally, it motivates me to do well in school, it keeps my dad at his job, and it tells me what to do in scary situations. I can't find one example that goes against fear in my life to be honest.
Fear plays a significant role in our world because we determine our actions based on fear, which can be related to what is right and wrong. Fear can be a good thing where a person can sence a great amount of fear inside of them and come to the conclusion that the action they want to follow though with is probabaly is not the best decision. However, fear can also be a bad thing in the sence that people can shy away from opportunities based on fear. Often times people will walk away from the situation wishing that they had been able to overcome their fears, and regret not doing so. Fear is a part of our everyday lives because we think about fear in every decision that we make. People are always weighing the reward and the consequence in every action that we take, and it is the fear of the consequence that will turn people away.
I think that fear plays a very important role in the lives of humans as well as the development of history and civilization. The effect however of fear on humans can be used as a tool- an example being a dictator who uses scare tactics to control the actions of the citizens in his country. This form of fear can have a very negative effect on society and has indeed been seen throughout the history of human civilization.
On the contrary fear can actually be helpful and beneficial to humans especially in dangerous situations that require the brain to be focused and other organs in our bodies to perform at levels that might not be normally comfortable. This reaction to challenging moments, most commonly know as the “flight or fight” response, can actually be the difference between survival and death. When our survival is in jeopardy our bodies acquire extreme abilities to resist large amounts of stress helping us to overcome the challenge or give us the strength to escape from the danger. Fear can be a positive addition to our lives.
Fear itself is a very general term. There are many scientific names for a fear of a specific thing. Everyone has some sort of fear, whether it is very extreme or a mild time of being uncomfortable. This form of fear can have a range of effects on people and can be very personal or just something you don’t like. For example when I was younger I had a fear of spiders- scientifically known as arachnophobia. As I grew older I still did not comfortable around these creepy creatures, but today if I was to see a spider on the wall I wouldn’t freak out or break down but maybe just keep a watchful eye.
Overall fear controls many of the actions in our lives and can range from great to small. However, what matters are not our fears but how we choose to deal with them. Our reaction to fear can be a great factor the destiny of our own lives as well as a whole civilization.
P.S. This actually Alex A writing because I can not create my own account with the same e-mail address as my brother.
I think that the significance of fear in our lives is personalized. Someone whos more courageous would probably not have to deal with fear as much as someone whos fearful. Obviously. Me for example. I have no fear and fear has never played a role in my life. HAHAHAHA just kidding! One of my favorite elementary school stories has to do directly with fear. I was deathly afraid of the 4th graders in kindergarten, so one time I was hiding in a bathroom stall waiting for them to leave. I dont think they knew I was in there. Its funny, but its also an example of how fear has played a role in my life. The outcome of facing our fears can have good and bad effects. Take a hero in the Marines, we'll call him Patrick. Pat killed a hundred people with a machine gun turret, and saved the base, and now hes getting a purple heart or something. Thats an example of a good outcome, but I guess it depends on how you look at it. If you want an example of a bad outcome, just watch the idiots on Jackass. One example of how facing my fears affected my life was this one time that i was snowboarding. I had always been a horrible snowboarder. I finally decided to suck it up and try going down the mountain without slowing down. You know what? After that experience, I was no longer a horrible snowboarder. I was a horrible snowboarder with a broken wrist.
I believe that fear plays an essential role in society. Not only does it affect our everyday decisions, but it also effects our concepts of right and wrong. As many people have mentioned, without fear there would be no risk; and consequently there would also be no reward. Fear is a necessary part of society, as it determines the decisions that we make as well as those that we decline to make. It forces us to do certain things, even when they are undesirable; but it also keeps us from doing things that could have unwanted consequences. In this way, I believe that fear provides a sense of balance in the world, as it can have both positive and negative effects.
On the other hand, I also believe that fear is the basis of society. Because fear motivates our decisions, society depends on it in order to function properly. In the same way that fear affects a child's decision to be influenced by their peers, fear is, in a sense the "peer" that motivates us to obey the laws that society has created. If there was no fear, these laws would never stand, as nothing would prevent people from breaking them. By providing punishments for those who go against what society deems moral and righteous, laws provoke the fear that exists inside us all; and therefore keep us from acting out. In this way, fear is the basis of society, as it motivates us to follow laws and obey the government.
Thus, I believe that fear plays a huge role in society, as the rules that make an orderly society possible would not exist without fear to enforce them.
I think fear is very significant in our lives. One reason i think this is because we live in fear every day when we pick out clothes. Almost everyone has to have certain types of clothes and wants their clothing to fit in. When they wake up in the morning they take time in picking out matching clothes so that they feel like they fit in with everyone else because they fear of being on the outside. Another way fear is shown is when people are shy. This is shown because when people are shy they fear that the person they are talking to will make fun of them and they fear that. We fear that we will not be liked by the new person we are talking because we want people to like us. Another place fear is shown is in sports. For instance in baseball when there is a very good hitter up at the plate he ends up walking alot more then the worser hitters in the lineup. This is because the coaches and pitchers on the other team fear that this kid is going to get a hit therefore they try to make perfect pitches and when the pitches arent perfect which they usually arent, then they become balls and with 4 balls the hitter walks. This all happens because the pitcher is scared or afraid of the other hitter hitting a homerun or getting a hit. Another example is that when i couldnt find this website for 20 minutes i became to fear that i would get in trouble tomarrow because i didnt blog. My fear then was the consequence i was going to get instead of the actual action itself like someone has already mentioned on this page before. All in all fear is all around in every part of our lives either in the actual decisions that we make or the consequences that we might get for our actions. Everyone has fear in this world and their a liar if they don't.
Fear plays an extremely significant role in everyone's lives in several ways. First, almost every person has their own fears of things which is normal in most cases. There are a number of fears that are extremely common as well as some rare fears, but in both cases, they can play a serious role in a person's life. While fear is a basic human emotion, it can become very serious if it is not handled properly. Also, fear can help to protect us as humans because it can give us a limit as to how far we can go with some things. For example, if someone has a fear of heights, there comes a point where something is just to tall for a person and their fear signals them to stop. Fear helps to warn us of danger, which in turn, can help to protect us. While most people have fears, I am wondering if there are some people within society that believe that they are not afraid of anything; and if this is so is it a good thing or can it be harmful to the person?
Fear has a lot of effect on everybody's lives, from small children afraid of the dark to grown adults scared of small spaces and snakes.
Generally though, fear is used by the government to scare people into doing what they want. When somebody says, "oh they say that's bad..." "they" is the government, or some form of high authority. Government-inflicted fear has been effecting people's lives for years, every since the idea of organized government started. For example, one of the first temporary governments in America, a theocracy, was the church controlling the citizens of the Massachusetts Bay Colony's mind, in the eyes of "God". Eventually though, years later, we learn that the fear they instilled on people by saying basically, "you're all going to go to hell, so repent, and talk to God." This was the church's way of controlling a large mass of people, with only a few corrupt officials. This corrupt way of governing has been taken into today's world by the government continuing to make laws that aren't completely necessary to a successful society. For example, there is a law that you're not allowed to drink alcohol on a beach; why not? You're allowed to drink in the road, aren't you? What's the difference if it's on pavement or sand? If you asked a government official, they'd tell you that alcohol "makes you do things you wouldn't normally do", and "being on a beach near the ocean with the threat of drowning isn't safe". But, then again, if you're drinking in the middle of the street, and get hit by a car, that's totally legal? That's what "they" say; and "they're" always right, right?
On the other hand, if you think of fear that way, with the "man" instilling all these crazy ideas in our minds, you dont get to see the good side of fear. An example would be: if one of your friends tries to pick a fight with you, because they're angry about something, you're either going to fight for your opinion, or walk away (the "flight" reaction). This natural reaction that our body creates when we get scared or nervous. We get an adrenalin boost and "fight" or we prevent the situation and walk away. Moreover, fear is also prevention. If you're afraid of getting the flu, you'll get the flu shot. This will then prevent you from getting sick in the future. These are ways that fear effects us in a positively.
Finally, after you look at fear as a negative influence on life and a positive one, you have to look at it as a general concept. Fear effects everybody in all aspects of life. Fear has effected me personally when it comes to hurting myself. I'm a natural klutz, and having bad knees has been instilling the fear of pain into my brain for years. Every time I ran in softball, I'd make sure I never had to slide, so my knees wouldn't hurt. I would wear my knee braces, and have them with me almost all the time, just to make sure I didn't have to go through the pain. One day I got so sick of being scared all the time, I didn't wear my brace, and wasn't careful, and go figure I hurt myself that day. 4 months later, I wound up in surgery because the damage was permanent that time, and there was nothing I could do about it. I went from an a cautious, careful third-baseman to a gimp on crutches in a matter of seconds, all because I let go of my fear, and tried to face it. An outsider looking in would say I got the worse end of it, but looking back, I think I'll probably come out of it a stronger person, which is what fear is really about. What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.
It seems too me that the general idea here of fear is that it is very significant, and is split basically into two categories, with the exception of a few posts. Those two categories seem too believe that fear can either be good or bad. For example, fear seems too significantly affect people negatively in ways that hold them back. Fear can dictate our lives to the extreme, causing us too lose confidence in ourselves, or be so paralyzed by fear, we can't accomplish certain goals. I believe this is a universal truth, and an inevitability. Fear is something we cannot escape, and until you can transcend the fear, life will be as tough as the fears you own.
Although, some would argue fear can be good, and should not be completely thrown away. Fear can help us push boundaries that we were never able too before. Fear tells us when something is not right, or can tell us when danger is near. Fear can save our lives, not only destroy it. In this argument, fear is not always playing the role of bad guy, but the savior. I believe myself that it is not fear that we should hate, it is irrational fear we should attempt too abolish. Fear is described as "an emotional response to a threat." But irrational fears (whether they were conditioned into us through our environments, or if we were just born with them) are not worthy of threat and will hold us back.
Now, I'll end my rambling before I become too boring and stop myself from sounding like a complete idiot (though I could rant for hours) and leave off with this. Fear is everywhere in life, whether we choose too let it consume us or not. It is seen everywhere in the world in many different forms, and too anyone who asked whether someone can live without fear, no, I don't think that is possible, and sounds quite absurd. Living without fear is living without any natural human instinct. We base our lives on it, and it is not something we can just live without.
By the way, I did this at the very last minute and it is infact 11:30PM, October 15, as I finish this, I'm thinking of waiting until 11:59 too post it so I can be the very last person! XD
Yours truly - Max!!!
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