What do we lose when we don't communicate face to face? Do you prefer face to face meetings or screen to screen? What are the benefits of each? Why are we braver on-line? To what extent is what we say or do on-line really "us"? Or, is it just the "us" we want to be? Please post by Oct. 15th @ 11:59 PM.
When we don't communicate face to face i think that we can lose all sense of the persons personality we are talking to. Another thing is that you cant tell the persons tone so things can be interpreted differently than the authors intent. I personaly prefer face to face meetings than screen to screen because then you can really get to know who a person is based on their reactions and not planned out responses. Talking screen to screen a person has time to think about what they want to say, can filter what they say, or can edit their personality. For some people what they say online is what they think will make them sound better but for others talking online is them unedited because they are alot braver. It really depends on the person whether or not they are being themselves on-line or not.
I think that by growing more dependent on computers and phones etc we begin to forget how to actually communicate with others.
On the internet you have the ability to think out your responses whereas in real life you have to learn to think on your feet. So a lot of the time I think people create false versions of themselves that they hide from the world behind.
It's probably why social skills seem to have fallen through the cracks these days, along with things like compassion and empathy. they just aren't 'necessary in a world where you never have to look at the person you're talking to.
Personally I prefer speaking face to face. It's a lot harder to figure out if someone is hurting, or joking, or even lying when all you see of them is their edited dialogue.
I don't think that any knowledge in terms of facts is lost when communicating over a computer. In fact, communicating online can give you time to think of better wording or a clearer explanation of things. Face to face meetings don't give you time to think and you may not have time to remember smaller details. What we say online is more 'us' that what we say face to face. People can be intimidated face to face or be in a certain setting that warrants specific behavior. Online, when your in your living room or sitting on your bed your going to be more comfortable to say the things that are more you. That being said, many people can become someone they aren't on the internet because it is easier to lie and since emotion is lost you may not re-think your words to someone and you may later regret it when face to face you would realize that a comment was very mean or inconsiderate.
When we dont communicate face to face, we lose the ability to see each others emotions, we dont see the expressions that they are feeling while communicating. Also, you lose the social skills that we used to have when face to face conversating was the normal thing to do. I prefer face to face conversation because i like knowing that i am capable to hold a conversation with my peers with out sitting at a screan or texting on my cell phone. I like talking with friends because it make the conversation seem more real and in your face rather than reading it off a screan. Benefits of a computer is that is you are having a hard time getting the point across that you need to sometimes its easier to put them into a written document rather then say then to someone face. Yet face to face you see what right in front of your face, nothing is interpitated wrong and its real. I think it depends on the person as to if you are braver on the computer than in person. Some people very honest and capable of being the same person through face to face conversation and screen to screen. While others feel that when they are on the computer they can say anything and have a alternative ego when they arent standing face to face with someone. They have more confidance saying what ever they want when ever they want.
One of the things we lose when we don't communicate face to face is the personal interaction we have with another person. I think it's easier to understand someone when you hear their tone of voice and tone and see their constantly changing expressions, as opposed to seeing what they wrote on a screen. I prefer face to face meetings because you can more accurately interpret what someone is telling you, rather than having to figure out how they would say it so that you can correctly understand the point they are trying to get across. Some of the benefits of screen to screen conversation is that you have time to collect your thoughts and rephrase them if you need, which many times you cannot do as effectively in real life. Being given time to think about what you want to say allows you to consider other perspectives and change your mind. To an extent, you are still you on the internet, but, in many cases people change and have almost a "pseudo-identity." You can be whoever you want on the internet which gives people courage to be someone they are not.
I think as we are sitting on our computers wondering who's going to pop up online we wonder to ourselves how we should start a conversation. I believe in some cases it makes communicating face-to-face less akward, because if we don't have anything interesting to talk about we just "x" out of the converstaion or make up an excuse. Essentially we do loss our ability to have conversations face-to-face. In some cases it's unique how some how through the computer we are able to sense that someone is unhappy, but yet we aren't seeing them personally. It does effect us, because we are becoming so dependent on the interent that our social skills are going down hill. I also believe that we are braver online, we are able to tell anyone anything without expecting some time of reactions. Personally I perfer people saying things face-to-face because online you can't tell if they are telling the truth or just making everything up.
Like the people who posted before me, I agree with the fact that when we communicate online and through technology we miss out on the face to face connection and we lose personality. When you go online you become a screen name on someone elses screen and it is easy to lose sight of who you really are. Also, when you say things, you can often times interpret how the other person ment for something to sound and you all together lose things like sarcasm. When you communicate through technology, you have more time to react and to plan out what you're going to say. This can take away from the true you and make you lose sight of who you really are. If you were talking in person would you say that? Or did you just say something because you had time to think and ponder over what you are going to say? This relates to a song called online where the artist is singing about how he is a differnt person online than he is in person. People seem to have more confidence when online because no one can see them and they can be anyone that they want to be. I think that face yo face communication is much better than screen to screen. Why would you want to look into a screen to talk to someone when you could go see them. Although it can help you connect with people far away, face to face is always better.
I prefer screen to screen communication. I feel more myself when text messaging or chatting online. I express myself freely. Screen to screen allows for people to think before what they say and therefore it eliminates saying something you might regret. Although i prefer screen to screen as a means of communication, having face to face communication is good as well. It helps with those "people skills" which you would need for presenting a project or something as simple as an interview for a job.
When people don't communicate face to face, we lose personal interaction with one another. Along with that we don't get to experience the person's emotion or body language when you don't discuss something with them face to face. Personally I would much rather have a conversation with someone face to face because there is more feeling in someone's tone of voice rather then by the way they are typing on a computer or through a text. But both have a benefits’ to them, talking face to face can give you a chance to give a rebuttal to something that was said, or quickly defend yourself or come up with a witty comeback. The benefits’ of talking "screen to screen" is that sometimes we have more confidence to say things to people because we don't have to look them in the face and say it, I feel like it gives people a sense of security. I think people are also braver online because they can get everything out without being interrupted, they can say whatever they want and not know how the person is reacting, and my personal favorite, people sometimes feel they can better get their point across by PUTTING EVERYTHING IN CAPS LOCK, this makes people thing they're "yelling" at the person at the other end of the communication line. But overall what we do online shouldn't constitute who we actually are, because everyone becomes a different person when they have something secure to "hide behind" i.e. computer, texting, and I think it does shadow the person we wish we were or wish we were more like, otherwise there would be no reason for us to do it. We all wish sometimes we can step out of our shoes and be in someone else’s, and when we communicate with each other through computers and texting, I think that's exactly what we do.
I believe when we don’t talk to someone face to face we can lose a lot of the people’s personality and what they are expressing during the conversation. Also when you talk to someone face to face you can clearly see and hear out there tone of voice so you don’t interpret their information the wrong way. I enjoy the face to face more often then using the screens because it’s a lot easier to talk about most things with them knowing how they really feel so you understand them better and where there coming from. A lot of people when it comes to situations more complicated and a bit scary to face would rather use a screen. The benefits of using a screen is you have more time to think about what you’re going to say instead of just blurting out your answer and you can explain yourself without having to see the other people’s reactions to things. Also you become braver on the computer or screens. It’s really all up to the person and how they factor out how they act online. Some can use the screens as a threat or some just as a booster for themselves and an easier way to communicate with others.
There’s a big difference between talking to someone face to face and talking to them over the internet. Kelsey made a good point misunderstanding someone when you communicate online. When we don’t communicate face to face our words can get interpreted differently which can lead to misunderstanding our ideas. People can get confused and problems may arise. This is why communicating face to face can you get across the point you are trying to make without confusion. However, many people are getting so used to communicating online that some people find it more difficult to say exactly how they feel face to face. We become braver online and say things we may not say in person. But this other side of us isn’t really the true “self.” It’s like you become another person. It’s a person that you want to be instead of the person you really are. Communicating online isn’t all bad though. Sometimes things should be thought over before being said and when you don’t communicate face to face, you can do this. On the other hand, communicating face to face requires quicker reaction and forces you to respond immediately.
When you talk face to face, you dont loose those people skills such as how to talk to a stranger or getting a job interview. Screen to screen allows you to express yourself behind a mirror. Its like you express what you want to say behind who you really are. During face to face discussion you become yourself although screen to screen is the person you want to be. You act how you want to be behind the screen because it feels safer and you can say what you want. Screen to screen allows you to think before you act and proofread what you say before you send it. Face to face discussion does not give you that option.
When communicating face to face you are able to understand a person better by seeing hand motions, facial expressions, and hearing their tone of voice. When you communicate screen to screen you lose all of this and you can end up misunderstanding the point of view the person is coming at. You can view them more seriously or less seriously, more sarcastic or less sarcastic and so on when you are talking screen to screen because it's how you interpret their voice in writing and not how you would interpret it in person. Because of this, I think we are braver online and because you have more time to respond. You have the ability to think about what you are going to say and once you type it out you have the ability to back space and erase it whereas in person once you say it, it's said. This is why I think that what we say online or through a text is really us but in person we hide ourselves and don't say what we really want to face to face. In certain situations I think i would want to be screen to screen but I'd prefer in most situations face to face because then I can be straight forward and understand the person fully without having to guess their tones and emotions.
When we don't communicate face to face, we slowly lose our personalities and become more independent because we start relying on ourselves more than we do on the people around us when we don't talk to them. I prefer face to face meetings over screen to screen meetings because when you're with someone face to face you know exctly who you're talking to and you can learn a little more about their personality, and they can learn more about you as well. It's also safer since you're not cencored from the face of someone who has the potential to be a predator when online. The benefits of screen to screen is that you can talk to anyone without being shy about who you're talking to, and the benefits of face to face is that you can feel safe/secure about who you're talking to.We're braver online because we hide our real identities when we're online and people don't personally know us online; you can't express emotion online. What we say or do on-line is rarely really "us" because we can't express emotions well online and it's difficult to tell who you are when you don't show emotions; it's just the "us" we want to be since we don't have complete control over that.
When we don’t communicate face to face we lose the feeling of a personal dialogue. We cannot tell the mood of the conversation or how the other person feels about the topic. I prefer to communicate face to face because it gives you a better understanding of what the person is trying to inform you on, it also makes it a better atmosphere of having a conversation with someone. One of the benefits of talking through the computer is you have time to think of what you are going to say and how you will say it. Some people tend to be braver because they don’t have to confront anybody and can hide behind their computers without showing their identities. This might make them look brave but in reality they are cowards who cannot face their problems.
I believe that it is a lot better to communicate face to face. When your typing something in it doesn't convey all of your meaning because it loses all of your tone and your expressions. this makes it very hard for people to realize that you are being sarcastic. Also when your are talking to someone online you don't always act the same as you would normally because you aren't as worried about peoples reactions to what you are saying. this is both good and bad because it leads to more confidence in the speaker and many more people will put their ideas out there if they think their ideas wont be as closely related to them selves and they will just be viewed at as another idea. The bad side of this is that when your online the extra confidence makes some people think that they can say what ever they want and they wont think about the consequences because they are only talking to a screen.
When we have communication face to face its more real you can tell if a person is being sarcastic of how there tone is in the situation. over a screen such things are not possible an we lost feeling for the conversation it kinda as if the person was talking in montone the whole time. Personaly i like face to face beacause you can express more what you want to say an you mean it over the computer you have time to think what sounds better or what a better comeback is.
When we don't communicate face to face we lose the personal interaction involved. Having a lack of personal interaction puts people in a bad spot, especially teenagers, because in the future you will need skills involved with personal interaction when we go for future job interviews and such. When having a face to face conversation you don't have the time to think of or change your answer like when you do online or through a text message. I also know that when I text someone I'm more open and not afraid to say some things that I wouldn't say to someone's face. I am more shy when it comes to talking to someone I normally wouldn't talk to face to face. I am aware that being like that is bad and I'm trying to fix it. I'd much rather have the better skills at talking face to face. We are braver online because we aren't there to see people's reaction to what you say. Honestly online I think I'm more me than in person, unless I'm with my friends. I don't think its the me I want to be because I'm like that with my friends and family too.
Personally, I believe that the best form of communication is the one done face to face. When people do not communicate face to face, they lose the small things such as the person's expressions or facial gestures. Seeing a person's face really helps you determine what kind of personality they have. In addition, when you talk to someone face to face, you view that person as they really are in life. When you talk to strangers through the internet on the other hand, you tend to imagine and create the way they look in your mind which is not accurate causing you to form false presumptions. Thus, I prefer face to face meetings because it really seems like the true form of communication. I believe that we're braver online because nobody knows us and we can be whoever we want to be. As a result, I think that we appear as the people we want to be online rather than the actual people we are in real life. That's deceiving so face to face communication is the best.
i think screen to screen is better because we are more comfortable to interact with another person. I have seen many people dont talk to other people because they are either shy or they are just afraid because they might regret something they might say and dont mean it. Talking online gives you more and a better idea and you know what you will say. Some people tend to be themselves when talking screen to screen because they can express their feelings more freely. Even though i like screen to screen,communicating face to face is also very good because it helps us gain more confidence and you get to know alot more people than you will know screen to screen and people will be more comfortable around you because they have seen you communicate face to face and have seen you express yourself.
Not directly communicating face to face has a number of consequences. One of them being that our social skills mature slower than if we were to have that one on one communication more often. This might stunt our growth in school and in our future workplaces. Another issue is the fact that you cannot fully understand the speakers point of view without seeing their reactions or emotion when talking about a subject. Talking online or texting only shows words, not emotions or expressions. This also leads to a stunt in relationships growths since our generation spends more time talking online than getting to know eachother face to face. I prefer a direct communication because it is easier to understand and build a relationship with them rather than just reading their words. Talking to someone in person is much more personal than getting to know them online or through texting. When talking online you almost become anotehr person because you become much braver and use stronger words than you might use if you were to confront them in person. I know that most people who have grown up in my generation have found it much easier to talk about personal matters over the computer because you don't have to face the person directly. This leads to one of the benefits of online communication, you get to think before you actually speak. This can make your message clearer and easier to understand, but it might not be your own words. But then again, it depends on how outspoken the person is.
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