Monday, October 6, 2008

Reason (Enlightenment) vs Faith (Romanticism)

To this point in our course we have seen the pendulum of world view swing from a faith based religious / Puritan society to a reason based America breaking free from Britain. We will soon see society's pendulum swing back to a romantic view of the world and then forward to a logical realist view of the world. Where are we today and how do you know? Where are we headed?

Macbeth # 3 Gender Ambiguity

Issues of gender and role reversals are evident throughout Macbeth. It could be argued that Lady Macbeth is as power hungry and ambitious as Macbeth if not more. Unfortunately for her, she died, arguably, as a result of overstepping her place in society; of usurping the "correct" order of things. To what extent do gender issues exist today? What is true about the social hierarchy with regard to men and women? Is the way it is today the "right" way?